
Holding the cheque are Jones, right, and Patel

Veg giant Produce World has raised £1,400 to help fund a new hospice.

Not only that, but Produce World Group staff, family and friends also got behind the Sue Ryder Hospice at Thorpe Hall in Peterborough by spending a day helping to clear the site's walled kitchen garden.

Thorpe’s Hall’s historic walled garden had fallen into disrepair, but the hospice now has ambitious plans to start growing vegetables again and create a children’s play area. Staff, family and friends from Produce World spent one of the hottest days of the year earlier this week (w/c 29 June) clearing the ground for the new project.

Rachel Ilgunas, from Produce World, said: “The volunteers went above and beyond the call of duty, working well into the evening to finish clearing this area. We have been supporting Thorpe Hall throughout the year, and we were delighted to be able to make a substantial contribution in time and money to the fantastic work that they do.”

Hospice fundraiser Nilesh Patel, said: “I have to say a big thank you to all the volunteers from Produce World who have really made a big difference to our project to restore the walled kitchen garden to its former glory. We are most grateful for the £1,400 donated and for all the support we have received from the Produce World Group.”

The cheque was handed over by Produce World's group financial director Phil Jones.