Event in Stubton on 2 July will feature a range of trials and demonstrations

Growers will see the latest trials work

Growers will see the latest trials work

The Processors and Growers Research Organisation (PGRO) is holding an open day for farmers, agronomists and other industry stakeholders on Tuesday 2 July.

Pea and bean growers are being invited to PGRO’s trial site in Stubton, Lincolnshire, where they can see a variety of trials and demonstrations.

The open days are pitched as a chance to explore the trials work carried out by PGRO, with the goal of providing the industry with more information about producing better pulse crops.

“We carry out a huge number of trials every year to gain a better understanding of pests and diseases, evaluate varieties, and explore new production techniques,” said PGRO chief executive Roger Vickers. “This open day is an excellent opportunity to spend time with our technical team in the field, looking at their work in crops.”

The open day will showcase trials being carried out for the Nitrogen Climate Smart (NCS) Project, which includes intercropping trials, among others. There will also be the opportunity to see trials involving lentils and chickpeas, which are being grown to establish the viability of production in the UK and identify varieties of interest.

As well as National List and Descriptive List trials, PGRO will also be showcasing its work with Phaseolus bean multiplication. The site also hosts slot trials for herbicide, fungicides and confidential contract work for private companies.

Growers and agronomists who want to know more about the impact of new Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) options can also take the opportunity to ask for advice, PGRO said.

“There are a number of SFI options that are likely to contain legume species and there is significant concern about risks and unknown consequences of the effective potential shortening of the pulse and vegetable legume crop rotation,” Vickers added. “We’d be pleased to discuss this in more detail so growers get the best advice before choosing their approach.”