Meurig Raymond closeup

Meurig Raymond

The National Farmers’ Union has pledged to ensure the voice of British farming is heard after the Prime Minister said she would call a snap general election.

Theresa May announced plans to call an early vote for 8 June, saying Britain needed certainty, stability and strong leadership following the EU referendum.

Reacting to her announcement, NFU president Meurig Raymond said: “With farming arguably the sector most impacted by Brexit, NFU members will want to understand how each of the political parties plans to support profitable, productive and progressive agriculture and horticulture in the future.

“The right post-Brexit trade deal is absolutely critical but so is a new wider policy framework that better delivers for farming and the nation.”

Raymond added: “Throughout the next seven weeks the NFU will ensure that all parties fully understand and engage with the food and farming community on the issues facing the sector both now and post-Brexit.

“British farms currently grow the raw ingredients for the UK food and drink manufacturing sector worth £108 billion and moreover the public want to continue to buy British food.

“For that to happen it’s vital that candidates recognise the enormous contribution that agriculture makes - for every £1 invested, farming delivers £7.40 back to this country – and to back British farming.”

Hear Meurig Raymond speak on Brexit and the future of food and farming at FPJ Live, on 4 May at The Belfy, Warwickshire. Tickets at