Organic vegetables

As the organic industry waits on a decision from Brussels concerning generic marketing funds for organic produce, and as the industry-funded campaign comes to an end, asignificant amount of coverage has appeared in many of the large regional newspapers in the UK.

According to the Soil Association, last month's Yorkshire Post and Liverpool Echo included pieces highlighting the difference between the perception of the price of organic food and the reality in retail outlets.

In addition, since the March advertorial in the Guardian and Observor Food Monthly, over 8,000 consumers have taken part in an online competition to win a hamper of organic goodies, confirmation, the Soil Association says, of the level of interest that still exists for organics in the UK.

The consumer website is also reportedly encouraging comments on Facebook and Twitter on current issues surrounding organics.

A decision from the EU regarding generic marketing funds is due at the end of June. This will confirm whether or not the EU will award match-funding for the campaign.