With the organic market picking up again in Europe, Belgium’s BelOrta says the timing of the launch of its organic version of the Ruby Red tomato could hardly be better

Seven years after the launch of the conventionally grown Ruby Red tomato, the organic version of the variety has hit the shelves and received an immediate boost with a nomination for the BioVLAM award.

Ruby Red Bio

The fourth edition of BioVLAM sees Flanders Agricultural Marketing Board (VLAM) once again seek out an organic ambassador for the Flanders region, focusing on innovative, sustainable and enterprising initiatives to boost the organic sector.

“The nominees were announced yesterday (6 June), “ BelOrta stated, “with Ruby Red Bio from BelOrta grower Vitaetom among the nominated candidates.”

The cooperative said that discussions with customers and consumers had shown there was room for a tomato variety that could guarantee consistently excellent taste. “Moreover,” it added, “after a difficult 2022, the organic market is once again gaining interest and demand. The ideal moment for market introduction.”

“We are very proud that we have succeeded in introducing this premium tomato into organic cultivation,” said grower Koen Van Hauteghem of Vitaetom. “There are various points of interest when you want to take the step from conventional to organic cultivation. Is the seed suitable for organic cultivation? Is the product compatible with soil cultivation? Does it fit in with the cultivation rotation principle? It took a lot of work, but we are happy that we persevered. The end result is impressive.”

The winner of the BioVLAM award will be chosen by a jury in September.