Fyffes bananas

Tropical fruit company Fyffes has unveiled a new promotional campaign called 'Mit Fyffes in die Natur!' ('In nature with Fyffes!') for organic bananas sold in Germany.

Focusing on authenticity and sustainability in order to generate better profits for retailers and distributors, the new nationwide campaign will encourage consumers to enjoy nature more actively.

'Our new promotion must promote sales of course, but above all it makes clear to consumers what out premium brand stands for: respect for people and nature,' commented Michaela Schneider, Fyffes' business development manager for continental Europe.

According to Fyffes, the 'In nature with Fyffes!' concept can be tailored to the needs of individual trading partners, offering innovative point-of-sale decoration kits for the main promotional set-up as well as a second kit aimed at impulse purchases.

Organic Fyffes-branded bananas sold in Germany are certified under the country's official organic scheme and carry the German organic seal, as well as being accredited under the independent system GlobalGAP.