Volkert Engelsman Eosta

Dutch organics specialist Eosta, along with its “trace & tell” system Nature & More, has been nominated for the Horticultural Entrepreneurship Award 2016.

Last week, the president of the Dutch Horticultural Council, Nico Koomen, visited Eosta’s offices in Waddinxveen to deliver a cake to Eosta CEO Volkert Engelsman to notify him of the nomination.

Eosta was named for its 'continuous stream of innovations' in the area of food transparency, organic production and sustainable packaging.

'The finalists have in common that they have a strong strategy to adapt to a fast developing society, where sustainability and economy go hand in hand,” said Koomen. “Eosta has been proving for 25 years that ecology and economy can go together. During that time, the company developed internationally as one of the leading importers and exporters in its market segment. With the Nature & More 'trace & tell' trademark Eosta offers full transparency to consumers about its products.'

The winner of the award will be announced on 6 January in the Keukenhof flower gardens near Amsterdam.