Swedish initiative works towards a healthy life for all through food

Dole Nordic has said it is part of the first Push Report, a Swedish initiative funded by Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency.

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Published on 11 March, it sees participating companies and organisations working together to create a healthy and sustainable food system.

The report contains commitments from 25 companies and organisations from across the food, health and retail sectors who ”share the ambition to promote healthier life for all through food and secure a better future for coming generations”.

Dole Nordic said it had long been an active advocate for better nutrition.

In 2018, the group started the local initiative Kostministeriet, with the mission of increasing the fresh produce consumption in Sweden to the recommended level of 500g a day.

Ever since, Dole Nordic through Kostministeriet, alongside other project partners, said it had conducted bespoke consumer research to understand the drivers and barriers behind consumption.

The latest report, Consumer Compass 2024, presents ”deep, valuable insights” into consumer behaviour across twelve Europe nations.

“We will contribute to a new narrative around fruit, vegetables and berries that focuses on taste, enjoyment and the joy of eating, that inspires people to put more greens on their plates,” Dole Nordic stated.