Elodì has an intense aroma and balanced sweetness and acidity designed to appeal to consumers

Italian organics brand Almaverde Bio has launched a new organic strawberry grown exclusively in Romagna. Elodì, developed by the Newplant Group and research organisation CREA, will be sold under the Almaverde Bio brand by Canova, the Apofruit Group company specialising in fresh organic fruit and vegetables.

Almaverde Bio Elodì

According to its developers, Almaverde Bio Elodì stands out for its intense aroma and balanced sweetness and acidity that appeals to consumers. “Strawberries are generously sized, with a consistency that maintains integrity and freshness even after harvesting, making them ideal both for fresh consumption and for the preparation of desserts and preserves,” Almaverde Bio said.

Demand for organic and conventional strawberries is growing throughout Europe. According to the Strawberry Global Market Overview 2024-2027, the market is set to grow by 3.38 per cent a year, driven mainly by Germany and Italy.

The push to purchase healthy and sustainable products is one of the most important purchase drivers, especially for the target consumers who are increasingly sensitive to these important issues for the future of the planet. Recent data from CSO Italy on strawberry consumption in Italy shows that younger buying managers (under 34) are crucial for the growth of the entire strawberry category.

“Cultivated following the rigorous standards of Elodì certified organic production, Almaverde Bio not only responds to the growing demand for sustainable products but actively contributes to protecting the environment. Cultivation practices employ methods that promote biodiversity and reduce the use of natural resources, such as water and soil, ensuring a reduced impact on the local ecosystem,” the company said.

Elodì is the latest offering from the It’s Bio project, which promotes organic production from Italy, Belgium, and Greece. It’s Bio is financed by the European Union and AOP Gruppo Vi.Va, with the participation of Almaverde Bio, Apofruit, Codma OP, Ca’ Nova, Coop Sole, AOP La Mongolfiera, OrtoRomi and OP Terre di Bari.