Nature & More, the 'trace and tell' trademark of Dutch organic trader Eosta, has hailed as a success its 'Bees love Organic' campaign, which saw hundreds of organisations and thousands of consumers distribute and sow 400,000 bags of bee-friendly flower seeds.
The campaign, launched in April, invited the public to 'help the bees, by sowing flower seeds and eating organic', a reaction to reports of declining bee populations.
Approximately 120m flower seeds were sown throughout Europe, including Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, France and the UK.
In the Netherlands, one key event was the 'Bee Cycle Path', which involved hundreds of people cycling part of a 1000km bicycle trail, sowing flower seeds along the way.
For this campaign, Nature & More was assisted by several NGOs, including Bionext and the Bee Foundation in the Netherlands, Stiftung Blühende Landschaft in Germany and the Youth Initiative Program in Sweden.