Joe Craggs

Joe Craggs has been appointed chair of the PMA A-NZ board

Katie de Villiers of OneHarvest and Daniel Williams of Coles Supermarkets were appointed as directors of PMA Australia-New Zealand (PMA A-NZ) at the annual general meeting held in Brisbane on 15 November 2017.

The PMA A-NZ board nominated Joe Craggs as the new chair replacing Andrew Francey, who has held the position for the last 12 months.

Katie de Villiers is the national sales manager at OneHarvest and has been a PMA taskforce member since 2016 (Fresh Connections, Women’s Fresh Perspective, and Industry Talent). She has worked in the fresh produce industry since 2009 and has strong cross-functional experience gained through eight years at OneHarvest, specifically in relationship management, operations, supply chain and product development, PMA A-NZ said.

Daniel Williams is the head of fruit at Coles Supermarkets and has 25 years retail experience, including 18 years in category management and leadership of buying teams across fresh categories including fruit, vegetables, dairy, delicatessens, as well as general merchandise.

Joe Craggs, the sales & marketing director of Tropical Pines, and now chair of the PMA A-NZ board, welcomed the new directors and acknowledged the significant contribution of those stepping down.

“Andrew Francey has contributed enormously to PMA A-NZ since joining the Board in 2013,” said Craggs. “Particularly over the past year as chair, Andrew has given an enormous amount of his time, energy, passion and support to PMA A-NZ and we owe him and the team at OneHarvest significant debt of gratitude.”

“I would also like to acknowledge the contributions of two departing Directors, Nicholas White and Charlotte Connoley (NZ),” Craggs added. “Both Nicholas and Charlotte have represented and contributed to the association in abundant proportions.”

Appointed directors Perry Samson (NZ) and Michael Franks (NZ) were also endorsed by the AGM in Brisbane.