Project with Foodiq identifies health benefits associated with melon category’s broad spectrum of colours 

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Melons represent the full spectrum of colour across the varieties

Foodiq Global and Melons Australia have partnered on a research project to identify the health benefits of consuming melons and create educational content for health providers and consumers to further promote the role of melons within a healthy lifestyle.  

The project, which has been funded by grower levies through the Hort Innovation Melon Fund, highlights the significant health benefits associated with consuming vibrant bioactive pigments found in fruits and vegetables. It calls out the unique health benefits for each colour group and emphasises incorporating a variety of colours as it delivers more benefits compared to only consuming fruits and vegetables of the same colour. 

The research found that approximately eight out of ten individuals are not achieving sufficient colour variety from their fruit and vegetable intake.  

Melons Australia and Foodiq saw an opportunity to promote melons as a hero in this narrative for their ability to provide a broad spectrum of colours – red, orange, yellow, green, and white.  

Anthony Kachenko from Hort Innovation said the research equips the melon industry with valuable insight into how to encourage more Australians to embrace melons in their diet. 

“It is fascinating that melons are unique among all fruit because they represent the full spectrum of colour across their varieties, which provides the full range of colour-associated nutrients required to achieve optimal health and wellbeing,” Kachenko said. 

“This levy-funded programme has a strategic focus on delivering evidence-based information about the health benefits of Australian melons to health professionals in Australia so that they can recommend melons to Aussies as a vital part of their diet.” 

Foodiq Global has released two educational animations showcasing the health benefits of melons. The videos share why melons are recommended for a healthy diet, and methods for effectively preparing, storing, and utilising melons in a diverse range of culinary uses to maximise their nutritional benefits, minimise food waste, and save costs. 

“Melons are a unique fruit family for all the colours, nutrients and joy they can provide in this context,” Emma Beckett from Foodiq Global said  

“Using the whole melon is a great evidence-based way to reduce waste and get more out of your melons. There are lots of great ways to use the rinds and the seeds – dried, pickled, candied, stir-fried, or blitzed up into a smoothie base.” 

The videos are available to both health professionals and consumers and aim to encourage consumers to recognise melons when fostering a healthy lifestyle. 

Johnathon Davey, from Melons Australia said he was thrilled with the results from the research. 

“From their vibrant reds, brilliant greens to sunny yellows, melons are nature’s palette of health, offering a spectrum of benefits. All of which are grown right here in Australia by our fantastic Australian growers,” Davey said.