MOYA Hall of Fame

The IFPA-Produce Plus Marketer of the Year Award (MOYA) was launched in 2012 by Produce Plus and PMA Australia-New Zealand (now IFPA Australia-New Zealand) to formally recognise outstanding achievement over the past year in the marketing of fresh fruit, vegetables, and flowers in Australia and/or New Zealand.

Each year the winner is exclusively interviewed by Produce Plus. Read more about the 12 winners and their successful campaigns below

2024 - Kristie Emerson, Quke O’Qlock

Kristie Emerson, group marketing manager Perfection Fresh was recognised for her work on the Quke O’Qlock campaign. The campaign aimed to increase awareness and sales of Qukes baby cucumbers by driving incremental snacking consumption, stealing share from more processed alternatives. As part of the campaign Perfection Fresh partnered with Sesame Street to drive sales and capture the attention of young consumers in a unique example of licensing in fresh produce.

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2024 - Kristie Emerson, Quke O’Qlock
2023 – Belinda Van Schaik, Australian Mangoes

Belinda Van Schaik, marketing manager of grower-owned research and development corporation Hort Innovation, was recognised for her work on the ‘Australian Mangoes’ campaign. Van Schaik’s campaign was developed as part of the industry-wide Australian Mangoes marketing programme, which is coordinated by Hort Innovation.

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2023 – Belinda Van Schaik - Australian Mangoes
2022 - Elisa Siliato, Perino Tomato - Hit the Sweet Spot

Costa’s Elisa Siliato was recognised for her work on the ‘Perino Tomato - Hit the Sweet Spot’ campaign. The ‘Hit the Sweet Spot’ campaign was a highly visible and well executed marketing campaign that helped the Perino tomato brand evolve beyond the snacking tomato category and infiltrate the lighter and main meal segments.

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2022 - Elisa Siliato – Perino Tomato - Hit the Sweet Spot
2021 - A better choice!, Shop&Win

The ‘A better choice!’ marketing team was recognised for its for its Shop&Win campaign. A better choice!’ is a national programme that was established in 2018 as a joint initiative by industry groups Fresh Markets Australia (FMA) and the Central Markets Association of Australia (CMAA) designed to to encourage consumers to shop at their local fruit and vegetable shop. Shop&Win was essentially a shopper rewards programme, where the offer of weekly prizes provides incentive for consumers to shop at local independent grocers.

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2021 - A better choice! - Shop&Win
2020 - Pinnacle Fresh, Dracula Citrus

Pinnacle Fresh was presented with Australasia’s premier fresh produce marketing award for its ‘Dracula Citrus’ campaign. The Dracula Citrus brand has was used to market Australian-grown blood oranges, Afourer mandarins and Cara Cara navels in six countries (including Australia). The campaign’s primary focus was at consumer level, with Pinnacle Fresh striving to create a sense of in-store theatre around its brand and the benefits of fresh produce consumption.

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2020 - Pinnacle Fresh, Dracula Citrus
2019 - Olivia Grey, Hailstorm Heroes

Olivia Grey of Hort Innovation was recognised in 2019 for the ‘Hailstorm Heroes’ campaign. The Hailstorm Heroes campaign was activated in 2018 after a severe hailstorm swept through South Australia’s major apple and pear production regions. The campaign urged consumers in South Australia and the Northern Territory to support hail-affected growers by overlooking small superficial marks on the skin of their fruit.

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2019 - Olivia Grey, Hailstorm Heroes
2018 - T&G Global, Lotatoes Potatoes

T&G Global Marketing Team received the MOYA for its ‘Lotatoes Potatoes’ campaign. The Lotatoes Potatoes campaign from the New Zealand-headquartered company centred around the launch of a new low-carb and low-calorie potato variety. It was backed by a marketing plan focused on public relations activity, digital advertising and in-store POS materials.

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2018 - T&G Global, Lotatoes Potatoes
2017 - Matt Stillwell, Spectrim Launch

Matt Stillwell of Compac Sorting Equipment was recogned in 2017 for the ‘Spectrim launch’ campaign. New Zealand-headquartered Compac launched its state-of-the-art sorting equipment in 2016, with Stillwell heading up a predominately online campaign that successfully segmented Compac’s target audiences for the cutting-edge defect sorting technology, identifying key personas at different stages of a potential Spectrim buyer’s journey.

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2017 - Matt Stillwell, Spectrim Launch
2016 - Matthew Crouch, Sumo Citrus

Marketing manager of Freshmax Group Matthew Crouch was recognised for the 2015 Sumo Citrus marketing campaign. Using traditional and digital media as well as in-store tastings, Crouch and the Freshmax teamed raised awareness and increased consumption of the fruit. Freshmax also worked with Collier Creative to produce an animated video with an anti-bullying message, portraying Sumo Citrus as a gentle giant and defender of smaller fruits.

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2016 - Matthew Crouch, Sumo Citrus
2015 - Harris Farm Markets, Imperfect Picks

Independent greengrocer chain Harris Farm Markets won the 2015 MOYA for its ‘ugly fruit’ marketing campaign Imperfect Picks. the campaign set out to bring the issue of food waste to the public’s attention by highlighting the staggering percentage of fresh produce that does not leave the farm-gate, simply because it does not meet the strict aesthetic specifications of food retailers, even though itis perfectly good for eating and cooking.

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2015 - Harris Farm Markets, Imperfect Picks
2014 - OneHarvest, Love Beets

OneHarvest’s marketing team scooped the 2014 MOYA for its marketing campaign for LoveBeets, a range of cooked, 100 per cent-natural baby beetroot. OneHarvest became the first Australian company to win the prestigious award. Love Beets in their Australian-grown form were launched byOneHarvest at the beginning of 2012 following the positive consumer reception to a trial version from the UK.

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2014 - OneHarvest, Love Beets
2013 - Lisa Cork, Love Kumara

Lisa Cork of Fresh Produce Marketing was recognised for the Delta Produce ‘Love Kumara’ rebranding project in 2013 which focused on reinventing the sweet potato category in New Zealand.

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2013 - Lisa Cork, Love Kumara
2012 - Sarah McRae, Mahana Red Apple

Sarah McRae of Freshmax New Zealand took out the first ever MOYA PMA-Produce Plus for her work on Mahana Red. The campaign for the New Zealand domestic market was highlighted by the award’s judges as being clear sighted in its goals and desired outcomes, and showing consistent growth in sales while maintaining a premium price in the market.

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2012 - Sarah McRae, Mahana Red Apple