
South East Europe offers favourable conditions to bolster the resources in high demand for cultivation and procurement in the fruit sector. That is what Torsten Adam, CEO of Artemis Advisory Services GmbH, said in his presentation “Ensure procurement and resources – Investing in the right markets” as part of the Fresh Produce Forum at FRUIT LOGISTICA.

Against the backdrop of climate change, a growing world population, and more affluent developing countries, companies and governments have recently been intensifying the search for cultivation space. Adam referred to Macedonia, Serbia, and Bosnia & Herzegovina as particularly opportune countries for the fruit sector. These countries offer favourable climate conditions and are said to have ample space for cultivation. Macedonia in particular offers the advantage of an ample supply of workers as well as relatively low wages, says Adam. In Serbia, the wages would be somewhat higher, but still relatively cheap. The advantageous climate in Bosnia & Herzegovina would make investing in sustainable production and cultivation there a wise choice.
