
Register for China’s leading international trade conference and expo today to get expert insights from industry leaders and network with key decision makers.

China’s fresh fruit and vegetable market is changing fast, and Fresh Produce Forum China will hear from industry leaders at the forefront of developments next month in Hangzhou.
Co-organised by Asia Fruit Logistica and Asiafruit Magazine, China’s leading international trade conference for the fresh fruit and vegetable business takes place at the JW Marriot Hotel in Hangzhou on 23-25 May.
Register now to make a 10 per cent saving on your delegate entry fee. The early bird rate of US$270 is available until 28 April, after which the standard delegate rate of US$300 applies. Register at the online ticket shop: www.fpf-china.com (for all countries except China) or www.fpf-china.cn (for mainland China).

High-profile speakers

A host of high-profile speakers have already signed up to speak at Fresh Produce Forum China, covering a range of hot topics and trends.
After a Welcome Reception on the evening of 23 May, this year’s conference programme kicks off on 24 May with the keynote session ‘E-commerce 2.0’. Industry pioneers driving China’s e-commerce revolution for fresh fruit and vegetables will address the session, including Ray He, general manager of TMall Fresh, Zhang Yi of Floruit and Eric Li of Yiguo.
Technology has a key role to play for China’s domestic fruit and vegetable producers in the bid to improve their productivity levels and quality standards. Richard Zhang of Jinfeng Cooperative, the agricultural services arm of Chinese hi-tech crop care giant Kingenta, will outline the opportunities and challenges to embracing modern technology for China’s farming sector in the session ‘Technology: making the grade’. Zhang will be joined by Jean-Christophe Couzin, general manager of grading company MAF Roda China, who will share his practical insights to working with Chinese packers to improve quality control and standardisation.
China’s rapidly evolving consumer market is ripe for the development of new products, but significant trade and consumer education is often required to drive uptake. Western pear varieties are very different from their Chinese counterparts, and Fabien Dumont, export manager of Dutch cooperative Fruitmasters and Andy Zhang, commercial director of Dole China, will discuss their respective efforts to develop the market for western pears in a dedicated workshop session on the subject.
Native to central Mexico, avocados have not traditionally been consumed in China, but this is beginning to change. Chinese consumers are getting a taste for avocados, as they discover their health benefits, and how to prepare and eat them. Leading US-based avocado grower-packer-marketer Mission Produce, Chinese importer Lantao International and fast-expanding fruit chain Pagoda have joined forces to develop the market for ripened avocados in China under the Mr Avocado brand. Jim Donovan, senior vice-president of international operations at Mission Produce, and Jade Shan, general manager of Mr Avocado, will discuss their joint strategy for developing the avocado category in China in the session ‘Avocados: ripe and ready for growth’.
Fresh Produce Forum China’s bilingual Chinese-English conference programme makes for interactive sessions with a focus on discussion and debate. The conference is co-moderated by Asiafruit’s managing director Chris White, China editor Yuxin Yang and managing editor John Hey.

Network and connect
Running alongside the conference at Fresh Produce Forum China is a high-impact expo where leading local and international companies promote their products and services spanning the entire supply chain.
Fresh Produce Forum China offers first-rate opportunities to network and connect with key decision makers in China’s fresh produce business. The conference and expo is on course to attract well over 200 high-level industry professionals from China and the rest of the world.
Delegates get ample time to meet and do business during the conference and expo. The programme includes hour-long Networking Breaks, a Networking Lunch and two cocktail events.
Fresh Produce Forum China concludes on 25 May with a day of organised visits taking in key wholesale market, retail and distribution operations in the Hangzhou region.
For more information on the sponsorship packages and exhibitor opportunities at Fresh Produce Forum China, go to www.fpf-china.com, or contact Sinenart Baramirattanachai: sinenart@gp-events.com.