Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market has announced that it has teamed with chef Ann Cooper for a second year to help bring fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy proteins to US school lunchboxes and raise awareness of healthier food through a project that will fund salad bars for public schools across the country.

'With childhood obesity levels at an all-time high, everyone has a stake in this fight and must take action to help change the way our children eat both at home and school,' said Walter Robb, co-chief executive officer for Whole Foods Market. 'We see partnering with our shoppers to raise funds for salad bars in local schools as an immediate way for us to come together and make an impact on our children’s health in the communities we serve. Our goal is to provide a salad bar in a local school in each of the communities we serve with our 300 stores.'

From now until 29 September, shoppers may donate to the project at the check-out or make a donation online through saladbarproject.org, with each salad bar kit costing approximately US$2,500 and including a Cambro portable five-well salad bar unit with all the necessary insert pans, cutting boards, knives and shipping costs.

'The time is ripe for 31m children. They deserve a solution and this Salad Bar Project is just that.' said Ann Cooper. 'I know we can make thousands of salad bars a reality for schools everywhere. Since adding a healthy salad bar to school lunch options is the number one thing parents and advocates can do to help improve school food, this is a win-win for schools and their students.'