Walmart Great for You label

Walmart, the largest food retailer in the US, has unveiled a front-of-pack healthy eating label in an effort to implement a transparent, summary icon for its private label brand products backed by rigorous nutrition criteria.

The Great For You brand, which forms part of the company’s healthier food initiative launched in January 2011, is designed to help customers instantly identify healthier food options.

The logo will appear on Walmart’s Great Value and Marketside items, as well as fresh and packaged fruits and vegetables, at Walmart stores nationwide from this spring.

It is expected to feature on more than 50 fresh produce products in the retailer’s Marketside line, including potatoes, tomatoes, table grapes, apples and most other fresh produce items.

“Walmart moms are telling us they want to make healthier choices for their families, but need help deciphering all the claims and information already displayed on products,” said Andrea Thomas, senior vice president of sustainability at Walmart.

The move has been backed by First Lady Michelle Obama, who said the label is yet another step toward ensuring that children in the US are given the chance to grow up healthy.

“Just over a year ago, Walmart committed to save shoppers a billion dollars in their cost of fruits and vegetables and the fact that Walmart exceeded this number is a real Accomplishment and a milestone in our efforts to support families eating better,” the First Lady explained.

“In addition, the healthy seal will be another tool for parents to identify the best products for their kids. Giving parents the information they need to make healthy choices is a key piece of solving childhood obesity.”