Cítricos Valencianos

Spanish citrus Protected Geographical Indicator (PGI) regulatory body Cítricos Valencianos has reached an agreement with the regional government of Valencia to promote its products in leading export markets.

The regional citrus organisation announced that its accord with the Valencian Export Institute (IVEX) would lead to the development of promotional actions aimed at reinforcing the image of the products at a global level and opening new commercial avenues.

The agreement will also cover persimmon and grape exports from the Spanish region in the form of denomination of origin organisations Kaki Ribera del Xúquer and Uva del Vinalopó, Cítricos Valencianos said in a statement.

The regulatory body said that export markets targeted by the planned promotions were likely to include Germany, France, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Cítricos Valencianos’ president Enrique Blasco said: “This initiative is vitally important for the fabric of the Valencian business community, as it gives definite backing to the region’s exports, at whose head sits citrus sales.

“Given the circumstances of the economic crisis, the continuing growth of citrus sales forms a very significant bastion for supporting the profitability of our agricultural sector.”