Jazz lady apple

As it prepares to receive its first new-season shipment of New Zealand apples, Belgium-based importer Enzafruit NZ Continent has confirmed that it has updated the logo used to brand the club variety Jazz, as well as outlining plans for a series of in-market promotions during the course of the Southern Hemisphere campaign.

Jazz apple logo 2011'Enzafruit decided to give the Jazz logo and its promotion items a new, fresh, modern look,' a spokesperson commented. 'Thanks to this, the features of the Jazz apple are even more emphasized.'

The company is organising promotional events in a number of European markets to encourage sales of New Zealand apples and pears, including tastings set to take place in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and France.

The company will also take part in a number of professional and lifestyle fairs and events, while also focusing on customer campaigns at point of sale.

Meanwhile, a television advertising campaign is scheduled to begin in Germany on the ProSieben channel, inviting German consumers to enter a competition for the chance to win a trip for two people to New Zealand.

In Belgium, the exclusive 'Jazz Crunch' sound will be heard on a special commercial aired on radio stations Q-music and JOE fm.

According to Enzafruit, the company is fully prepared to welcome this season's first major volume of New Zealand fruit, with the first vessel due to arrive in the Belgian port of Antwerp on 12 April.

'Enzafruit Continent is proud to be the only importer of New Zealand apples and pears which has its fruit delivered by traditional reefer vessels and is therefore able to guarantee continuity,' the spokesperson noted.

The first vessel of the new season is understood to be carrying up to 2,000 pallets of early-season apple varieties Cox and Royal Gala.

The second of several subsequent vessels, scheduled to sail throughout the season, is expected in week 17.

This will bring Royal Gala, Braeburn and the first volumes of the long-expected new Jazz crop.

Three other vessels are scheduled to arrive later in the season.

According to Enzafruit, the quality of the apples is again exceptional this season, as they have been allowed to ripen in ideal weather conditions.

'Thanks to this ripening, the apples not only have an excellent coloration, but they also taste perfect.'