US school lunch salad bar

The United Fresh Foundation has launched 'Let’s Move Salad Bars to Midwest Schools, a new multi-year campaign to increase children’s produce consumption by donating salad bars to schools in six Midwest states – Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.

United Fresh announced the campaign at its Winter Leadership Meeting in Miami, while also introducing 12 Midwest produce industry leaders who will co-chair the campaign.

The leaders include:

Illinois - Lisa Strube, Strube Celery & Vegetable Co, and Rebecca Wilson, The Tom Lange Company, Inc.

Minnesota - Phillip Brooks, H. Brooks & Company, and Jason Craig, C.H. Robinson

- Bob Kirch, Caito Foods Service, Inc, and Hilary Martin, Frey Farms

- Ken Holthouse, Doug Walcher Farms, and Joe Klare, Castellini Company LLC

Michigan - Mark Girardin, North Bay Produce, Inc., and Harold Van Eerden, Van Eerden Co.

Wisconsin - Larry Alsum, Alsum Farms & Produce Inc., and Steve Jarzombek, Roundy's Supermarkets, Inc.

Let’s Move Salad Bars to Midwest Schools is a multi-year campaign supporting United’s 2014, 2015 and 2016 conventions, which will be co-located with the Food Marketing Institute conventions in Chicago.

The new Midwest campaign builds on the momentum of United’s successful salad bar campaigns in New Orleans, Texas and California that donated salad bars to 50, 100 and 436 schools respectively. The salad bars highlight the produce industry’s commitment to improving child nutrition and combating childhood obesity.

The campaign co-chairs will engage produce industry colleagues, allied industries and foundations to support salad bars for Midwest schools.

Over the last three years more than 400 Midwest schools have received salad bars from Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools, and the goal of United’s Midwest campaign is to provide salad bars to all Midwest schools that want them.