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Attendees at the United Fresh Produce Association’s annual convention and expo in Dallas have recognised this year’s top industry innovations in the New Product Awards, covering five different categories.

More than 25 fresh fruit and vegetable innovations competed in the categories of Best New Packaging Product, Best New Food Safety Solution, Best New Packing/Processing Equipment, Best New Fruit Product and Best Vegetable Product at this year's event.

Winners included Naturipe EarthCycle Packaging for Organic Berries in the Best New Packaging Product category, FlashCheck Real-time Bacterial Enzyme Detection Kit from DeltaTRAK in the Best New Food Safety Solution category, and the Bosch Pack 301 IN Inverted Horizontal Flow Wrapper from Bosch Packaging Technology in the Best New Packing/Processing Equipment segment.

Also picking up awards were Fresh Fruit Parfaits from Ready Pac Foods in the Best New Fruit Product category, and Delano from Mastronardi Produce in the Best New Vegetable Product slot.

'These winning innovations are the forerunners in the effort to bring new approaches, ideas and processes to the fresh fruit and vegetable industry,' said John Toner, United Fresh vice-president of convention & industry relations. 'From its very beginnings, the United show has been the undisputed home of innovation for the produce industry, and these awards continue to showcase the best and brightest minds in the produce business. We’re proud to congratulate the 27 finalists in this year’s competition.'