Schoolkids eating apples

The United Fresh Produce Association has welcomed the passing of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act child nutrition bill by the US House of Representatives, with the bill now going on to US President Barack Obama for his signature.

The bill, which also represents the legislative centrepiece of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative, includes provisions to improve the healthfulness of school meals and create healthier school environments that increase students' access to fresh fruit and vegetables.

This historic legislation is a huge victory for children, their families and schools across America and a victory for fruits and vegetables and public health,' said United Fresh vice-president of nutrition and health Lorelei DiSogra. 'For the first time in more than 30 years, Congress is increasing the federal reimbursement rate for school lunch by US$0.06 per meal, specifically making possible the serving of more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. United Fresh is extremely gratified to have helped spearhead this landmark legislation that promises to dramatically improve the wellbeing of more than 31m school children in America.'

United Fresh president and CEO Tom Stenzel noted that the group and its members had helped 'lead the charge' for healthier school meals for many years.

'It is so encouraging to see Congress recognise that giving kids healthier options is a great first step toward fostering a healthier country,' he said.