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Almerian fresh produce group Unica has revealed that it is “studying possibilities” of developing new fruit and vegetable brands that could involve partnerships with companies in the US and Israel.

Speaking to Fruitnet, Unica managing director Enrique de los Rios said that the brands were likely to feature “completely different concepts” to those fresh produce names already seen in European markets.

However, with negotiations at a “very delicate” stage, Mr de los Rios was reluctant to divulge more details about the forms the brands may take.

What he would say was that the group was actively diversifying into new product areas under its own Unica brand. One of the first fruits of the development work is a new gazpacho soup products, which will be sold in the UK under the brand, ‘Gazpacho by Unica’.

Other products being lined up for addition to the range include a beef tomato that is being aimed at the foodservice and catering sector. Unica is also preparing to launch a line of fresh-cut products, including pepper, aubergine and courgette, that will marketed across Europe.

According to Unica’s managing director, 2010 was marked by a period of internal consolidation; a decision driven as much by adverse market conditions as by a need to adjust working practices in the cooperatives to the realities of being part of a group.

“It’s been a difficult year both from a market point-of-view and from the point-of-view of the birth of Unica,” he said. “But we have survived and now are in a much better situation.”

Despite this, Mr de los Rios said the group’s preference was for 2011 to be “another year of consolidation” before any new cooperatives are considered for integration, although he admitted there were several potential candidates.

However, while 2010 was a year of consolidation for Unica, the company did sign a commercial agreement with Dutch cooperative group ZON, a company whose season and products complement Unica’s own.

But, despite the deal with ZON, Mr de los Rios said press reports that Unica was seeking to sign similar commercial agreements with companies in the US and Israel had not been completely accurate.

This is an extract of an interview with Enrique de los Rios that will be published in full in Eurofruit's forthcoming Spanish supplement, Trade Spain 2011