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In the UK, the British Leafy Salads Association (BLSA) has revealed that it has secured just under €140,000 in co-funding from the EU as part of the European Commission's support for the promotion of fresh fruit and vegetables following the E coli crisis.

According to the BLSA, the funding will contribute to a three-year promotional and marketing campaign driving home the benefits of leafy salads as part of a healthy diet to consumers, Farming UK reported.

A total of €139,728 will be provided by the EU, broken down into yearly chunks of just over €46,000, as part of an overall budget of €279,455 for the BLSA – which was the only UK bid to successfully secure funding.

'Over 90 per cent of the UK claim for compensation from the EU for salad businesses hit by the E coli crisis was from leafy salad growers,' said Jane Dyas, BLSA's company secretary. 'This match funding will now allow us to deliver an effective three-year integrated campaign to communicate positive messages around the taste, health, versatility and provenance that leafy salads offer and ultimately have a positive effect on consumer purchasing behaviour.'