
Agnes van Ardenne, member of the committee of experts of Hillenraad and Patrick Mom (left) with Michel Jansen (right) of Total Produce.

Total Produce has been recognised as the leading horticultural company in the Netherlands with a turnover of more than €500m, landing top spot in the prestigious Hillenraad500+.

The announcement, along with the unveiling of the Hillenraad100 list, was made during a special Hortigala held on Friday 31 October.

The Netherlands is one of Europe’s premier growing regions and a focal point for the importation of global fresh produce to the European marketplace. Total Produce operates a large number of businesses and partnerships across the country and it was the cumulative efforts of these companies, including Total Produce bv, Haluco, Nedalpac, Anaco & Greeve International, Total Exotics, ASF Holland, Frankort & Koning and Unitrade Holland which contributed to the accomplishment.

“We are proud to have been awarded the Hillenraad100 Award, fitting testament as it is to the dedication and professionalism of our colleagues all across the Netherlands,' said Charlie Shaughnessy, commercial director of Total Produce. 'In an ever evolving industry, it will serve to inspire us to differentiate our businesses, our produce and our service still further in the months and years that lie ahead.”

One of the industry’s most prestigious awards, recognition in the Hillenraad100 and Hillenraad500+ is not easily achieved.

Speaking about the criteria underpinning the award, Hillenraad’s Martien Penning said: 'In the new world, there's only a small step between major success and failure. The sector is becoming increasingly dynamic and it's not for nothing that we chose 'accelerated innovation' as this year's theme for the Hillenraad100. In the coming years, it will become more and more evident which companies have understood this paradigm, and which have not.'