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In the US, the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) has revealed the results of a nationwide survey of fresh produce growers, shippers, processors and importers on the subject of a proposed National Fruit and Vegetable Research and Promotion Board, with the majority of respondents either rejecting the idea or as yet undecided.

According to PBH, only 22 per cent of those returning the survey indicated that they were in favour of the promotion board, with 31 per cent opposed to its creation and 47 per cent undecided.

If anything, the survey demonstrated the lack of profile that has been given to the board's possible creation, with only 8 per cent of the 3,104 surveys returned and 45 per cent of those that did reply stating they had not heard about the proposal prior to receiving the survey.

'Between the low survey response rate and the fact that so many who did respond had not heard about the promotion board concept prior to the survey, PBH outreach about the proposed promotion board will continue prior to a second survey being fielded,' said Paul Klutes, chairman of the PBH's board of trustees. 'As originally scheduled, the PBH executive committee will meet in late October to review next steps.'