Stellar is the second variety from the partnership following the release of Tutti in 2023 

The Hot Climate Partnership a collaboration between The Catalan Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology, New Zealand’s Plant & Food Research, Catalonian fruit producer association Fruit Futur, and T&G Global’s genetics and variety management business, VentureFruit is set to introduce Stellar, an early season apple variety specifically bred for hot and warming climates at Fruit Attraction in Madrid. 

Stellar hero image

Stellar are bright red early-seaon apples with good storeability 

Stellar apples are bright red and similarly sized to Gala, with the added benefit of maturing one to two weeks earlier. The fruit also has good storability that will appeal to growers and retailers alike, according to a VentureFruit release.  

Morgan Rogers, VentureFruit’s general manager, said Stellar is a winning variety for growers. 

“As temperatures increase around the world, apples can mature too quickly, with the heat also impacting the colour, texture and yield,” Rogers said. “Innovations such as the development of Stellar are essential to provide growers with new variety options, specifically bred for hot and warming climates, which ensures consumers can still enjoy apples with great taste, texture and appearance.” 

Stellar, also known by its variety name ‘HOT81A1’, is the second variety released from the Hot Climate Partnership following the successful launch of Tutti in 2023 and is a product of more than 20 years of natural breeding and scientific development. While both varieties have been developed to withstand high temperatures, VentureFruit has said they also thrive in traditional, temperate climates.  

Following a rigorous selection process, IFO has been selected as the head licensee for Stellar. The France-based company has a global reach, specialising in the research and development of new apple and pear varieties and rootstocks.  

Bruno Essner, IFO’s managing director said the company will offer Stellar through an open tree release model.  

“We are confident in this new early variety, which has consistently tested well for both taste and appearance under a wide range of climate conditions and are thrilled to be able to offer Stellar apple trees through an open tree release model, ensuring that more growers can benefit from its exceptional qualities,” Essner said. “This offers growers flexibility as they can purchase Stellar apple trees and brand the fruit under their own choice of marketing name.” 

Stellar vs Gala

Stellar are a similar size to Gala (right) 

Stellar will be available to growers worldwide with the initial release focused on Europe and territories where plant material is available. 

Rogers said the name Stellar was chosen to highlight the exceptional qualities of this new apple variety. 

“Stellar has dual definitions, meaning both ‘of the stars’ and ‘superb’ or ‘outstanding’. This name highlights the variety’s ability to thrive in hot and warming climates and deliver outstanding colour and yield, making it a stellar choice for both growers and consumers,” Rogers said.  

“Each variety from the Hot Climate Partnership brings unique benefits and strengths. These first two varieties complement each other by addressing different grower needs, such as pricing and seasonal availability.” 

The Hot Climate Partnership has an extensive pipeline of 13 apple and six pear varieties that are completing their final years of evaluation and testing. 

Following the release of Stellar apple trees, the partnership has shortlisted two further varieties which it hopes to progress to commercialisation from 2025 –both of which have also been specifically bred to be tolerant of hot and warming climates.