2inOne Greenery pears conference

Dutch marketer The Greenery has launched a new campaign in Germany to boost sales of the Conference pear variety in what is its biggest export market.

Focusing on the fruit's versatility and the fact that it can be eaten at different stages of ripeness, the group's 2inOne promotion highlights the two main ways in which Conference pears can be eaten – either crisp and fresh shortly after harvesting, or sweet and juicy later on.

'This versatility gives the fruit its 2inOne brand name,' said a spokesperson for The Greenery. 'The bottle-shaped fruit is a treat at either stage of ripeness and appeals to different consumer groups.'

The 2inOne campaign is making its debut this week in Berlin at the International Green Week, where visitors will be invited to taste the pear variety at two different stages of maturity.

Thanks to modern coldstorage technology, Conference pears harvested in the Netherlands can be supplied year-round to customers in Germany.

'The ripening process only begins once the fruit is sold,' added the spokesperson. 'Thus, the fruit's fine flavour can be enjoyed straight away and, kept in a cool place, it remains crisp and fresh for ten days.

'Those who prefer their favourite fruit sweet and juicy can store it at room temperature.'

The Greenery is planning to roll its promotional campaign using in-store materials and online activities. which will appeal to a large proportion of the market.

'We're presenting a product campaign that offers something to each individual consumer, with the aim of increasing their awareness of the fruit,' said the spokesperson.

'The new 2inOne branding is conveyed using product stickers, packaging and accompanying promotional materials.'