Tex Starr Distributing, a newly formed company based in south Texas, has announced in a press release the launch of its new sweet papaya variety called Royal Star Papaya.
The proprietary seed variety is a natural hybrid which is sweet, firm, and brightly coloured inside and out, according to the company.
“We are very excited to announce our new papaya variety, Royal Star Papaya,” said Lance Peterson grower and proprietor of Tex Starr Distributing.
“We are especially excited because the new variety is not only sweeter and juicier than most papayas currently on the market, but volume of the papaya will be available for wide distribution, on a year-round basis in July.”
To reach the consumer, Tex Starr Distributing plans to launch a consumer marketing push this summer to align with the product’s availability.
“We’re planning to launch a website soon that will include consumer and influencer focused information and will complement this with a social media push to engage and excite consumers,” Kenny Alford, marketer and proprietor of Tex Starr Distributing.
While most Maradol papayas have a shelf-life of three days once the fruit has been cut, Tex Starr Distributing claims the Royal Star Papaya has a shelf-life of up to five days, even after it is cut.
Uncut, the group says the fruit can last for up to 14 days.