Turin-based fresh produce company T18 has launched a new line of products under the name 'I Tipici' (Authentics) aimed at delivering a traditional, authentic and high quality taste of Piedmontese horticulture to consumers across Italy and enabling them to rediscover varieties that have been overlooked during the past few decades.
The range will initially comprise three products – Ramassin plums, Torriana Renetta russet apples and Madernassa pears, all of which are unique to the north-east Italian region of Piedmont. The fruit will be available through leading retailers, presented in practical trays with resealable lids, and can be easily identified by the T18 I Tipici brand printed on the label.
Ramassin plums have been grown in the area around Cuneo since the second half of the 19th century and are harvested during the early summer months using large nets spread out beneath the trees. 'Small in size and bluish in colour, T18's Ramassin plums differ from other common plums by virtue of their sweetness and aroma,' said a company spokesman. 'Excellent fresh, they are also very suitable for cooking, drying or for use in jams.'
The Torriana Renetta apple, meanwhile – known literally in Italian as the Torriana Grey – is distinguishable by is its russet appearance and its sweet and tender taste. 'This is the queen of cooking apples,' explained the spokesman. 'In the past few decades there has been a drastic reduction in planted area used for Torriana, but it is now available again on the Italian market thanks to T18,' said the spokesman.
Thehistory of pear Madernassa, which originates from a village of the same name in themunicipality of Guarene, can be traced back to 1784, when a seed that fell bychance gave life to the mother plant. Oncecultivated in many parts of Cuneo, today the production area is limitedto the most suitable areas, in Roero and Valle Grana. Yellowish-green and softpink to pale, Madernassa has a crisp flesh, slight fragrance andsweet taste, according to T18.
T18 is confident that the rediscovery and enhancement of products that are typicalto Piedmont will mean the excellence of the region's fruit growing will now be accessible for consumers across Italy. Ramassin sweet plums are set to arrive in July, while Torriana apples and Madernassa pears are due to be on the market from October.
The T18 was founded in 1890 and todaybrings together 600 companies specialised in the production of fruitand vegetables, for a turnover of €60m (2006).The group's production covers some 100ha and its sales channels are split more or less evenly between modern retailers and traditional trade, street vendors and Horeca.