
Spanish fresh produce cooperative Surinver has joined the ranks of Murcian fruit and vegetable producer-exporter association Proexport, a cartel of companies that already counts some of the leading fresh produce exporters in Murcia among its members.

The cooperative, which draws its production from 460 associated member growers, produces and exports an estimated 72,000 tonnes of fruits and vegetables, including lettuce, peppers, citrus, watermelon and courgettes, every year.

In a statement, Surinver’s sales director, Sebastián Aguilar, said: “A large part of our growers produce in the region of Murcia, and we believe that belonging to Proexport is important because through the association we will be able to look after their interests and provide a better service.”

Proexport managing director Fernando Gómez added: “We are proud to welcome Surinver and believe this will lead to a notable increase in both the number of member growers and our presence in important product areas for Murcia and Spain, such as peppers, celery and watermelons.”