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In a bid to help build awareness of the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans and encourage consumers to embrace better health and nutrition, Sunkist Growers has announced that it has become a National Strategic Partner with the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Nutrition Communication Network.

As a partner, Sunkist will launch a series of communications efforts in support of the Dietary Guidelines, including the 'Make Half Your Plate Fruit and Vegetables' message, which will be promoted in new materials released this autumn both online and at various Sunkist events.

'Sunkist is pleased to align itself with the USDA in order to help put the Dietary Guidelines into action and educate consumers on the countless health benefits of including fresh fruits and vegetables with every meal,' said Gina Widjaja, advertising and public relations manager for Sunkist. 'Sunkist has a long heritage of promoting healthy living, making this partnership a natural fit and one we can continue to build upon.'

Following the 'Make Half Your Plate Fruits and Vegetables' message, the USDA will be rolling out six additional themed messages over the next two years, including 'Enjoy your Food, But Eat Less', 'Drink Water Instead of Sugary Drinks', and 'Oversized Portions', among others.

'We're looking forward to working with the USDA to help consumers apply the Dietary Guidelines to their lives,' said Widjaja. 'Together with other leading health organisations and computers, we hope to make an impact on the fight against obesity and help improve the nutrition and health of Americans.'