Mangoes from Pakistan are under threat from the changing climate, with volumes expected to decline again this season, but Dubai-based Altaf Hussain Trading Co reports “substantial” influx

The export season for Pakistani mangoes has officially begun, according to Mustafa Altaf of Dubai-based trader Altaf Hussain Trading Co, after the Pakistani government permitted exports from 20 May.

Pakistani mangoes

“We are experiencing a significant influx of mangoes,” he told Fruitnet. “The initial vessel that arrived on 23 May brought in around 192 containers of the Sindhri variety, approximately 4,600 tonnes, which is a substantial amount.”

Pakistani mangoes are renowned for their taste and fragrance. “That’s why they are loved all over the world,” said Altaf. “Out of the more than 150 varieties gown, the Sindhri, Chanusa and Anwar Ratol are especially well known for their high pulp content and extremely fragrant, sweet taste.”

However, climate change is having an impact on crop yields in Pakistan, according to Altaf, as heatwaves and changing rainfall patterns contribute to a third consecutive season of declining volumes. 

“It’s unfortunate to hear that global climate change has affected production,” he said. “This means that the quantity of mangoes may be less than what was expected or achieved in previous years. However, it’s wonderful that these mangoes are still being exported in good numbers, despite the challenges. I hope that Pakistani mango farmers and exporters are able to navigate these challenges and continue to provide high-quality mangoes this season.”