Stemilt apricots

Apricot season is underway for Stemilt Growers, Washington’s leading apricot grower and shipper.

The company started harvesting and packing apricots in central Washingtonin mid-June, a week ahead of last year’s timing.

Stemilt expects to harvest nearly 300,000 cartons of apricots this year, which is a 35 per cent increase from 2013.

Ideal weather conditions throughout bloom and the growing season made for a nice crop set and led to increased volumes, according to Roger Pepperl, Stemilt's marketing director.

“Weather has definitely been on our side this season, which is resulting in large-sized, clean, and very high-quality apricots,' he said. 'We’re harvesting Robada apricots now and will quickly move into our leading two varieties, Rival and Perfection.'

Approximately 60 per cent of Stemilt’s apricots are grown and certified organic. The company’s commitment to organics differentiates its apricots in the marketplace and aids in producing fruit with complex flavours. Stemilt markets organic apricots under its Artisan Organics label.