Cítricos Valencianos

Spanish citrus marketer Cítricos Valencianos is hoping to boost sales of Valencia-grown fruit in eastern Europe through a series of in-store tastings that are currently taking place in retail outlets across the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

The Protected Geographical Interest (PGI) regulatory organisation is staging fruit tastings and other promotions in some 64 stores in the three countries during February and March as part of a strategy to boost sales of its citrus in the region.

In a statement, Cítricos Valencianos said the promotions were taking place in Billa and Kaufland in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as in branches of the Czech wholesaler Lipence and the Slovakian retailer Jednota. In Hungary, the tastings are being staged in outlets of the Spar, Interspar and Kaiser chains.

Cítricos Valencianos’ president, Enrique Blasco, said the aim of the promotions was to help establish the PGI as a seal of quality that “conveys confidence and security to consumers”, which it believes will boost sales of Valencia-produced citrus.