Western Cape Citrus Producers Forum US soccer

South Africa's Western Cape Citrus Producers Forum, which markets its citrus exports exclusively in the US, has continued its sponsorship of sporting organisation US Youth Soccer as the new season gets underway.

Taking part in the federation's annual northeast regional tournament in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, last week, the group provided samples of South African citrus to more than 4,000 players from around 250 teams competing in the tournament.

'`This occasion` shows that we are able to deliver outstanding high-end product to the United States despite the stringent phytosanitary requirements that are in place,' South African consul general George Monyemangene told The Produce News.

'It shows that we can meet — and exceed — those standards. I also think this `sponsorship` has an important health aspect to it, and it is exciting to see kids playing soccer and enjoying a healthy lifestyle while also enjoying citrus from South Africa.'