
Dole has recognised the passion of Seattle's citizens when it comes to bananas by naming it as a 'Top Banana City' for 2012, as part of its summer-long 'Go Bananas Every Day' initiative.

The company, the world's largest banana provider, is using the campaign to encourage consumption and new uses for the fruit, particularly targeting health and fitness enthusiasts.

Go Bananas Every Day is taking in a number of cities on its summer tour including Portland, Charlotte and, this month, Seattle.

'Most Seattleites wouldn't even think of a breakfast or lunch withoutbananas,' explained David Bright, vice-president of marketing forDole Fresh Fruit. 'In fact, this devotion has made bananas thetop-selling item in grocery stores, enjoyed in more than 90 per centof American homes. Yet, even some of the most ardent banana fansaren't aware of the myriad of other ways to enjoy the fruit duringthe summer – for dinner, dessert and as a healthier, more satisfyingalternative to sugar-loaded energy bars and sports drinks.'

'Pound for pound and dollar for dollar, bananas pack an amazingnutritional and energy punch. They really are nature's originalenergy bar,' he added.

As a 'Top Banana City', Seattle has been singled out by Dole forsignificant local advertising, online, social media and PR activitiesto encourage the region's disproportionately large percentage ofbanana-loving residents to widen their banana horizons even further.In addition to local advertising, Dole will be partnering withSeattle retailers on a number of local in-store programs.

Throughout Seattle in July, Dole representatives will honour thoselocal restaurants, bars and other food-oriented businesses that havea unique connection to the fruit, or push the commonly acceptedboundaries of banana cuisine.

Dole will also work with localregistered dieticians and food bloggers to educate localresidents about bananas through public appearances, sampling andtasting events.