Florida, US-based Seald Sweet International has announced that it has received its first load of Spanish clementines, to help meet a growing demand for easy-peel citrus fruit.
The group, a co-packer for international fresh produce marketing company Imagination Farms,has been shipping Disney-branded citrus since May 2007, but this marks Seald Sweet's first shipments of Disney Garden Spanish Clementines from grower Jorge-Garcia Ballester.
'Disney Garden clementines make a perfect snack for kids,' said Melinda Goodman, director of marketing for Imagination Farms. 'Their small size is a perfect portion and they are easy to eat without a lot of mess or hassle.
'Creating positive eating experiences with kids sets the stage for increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy lifestyle, and Disney adds another layer of excitement for children who might not have tried clementines before,' she added.
The clementines will be available in mesh-handled bags in a variety of weights from 2-4lbs, and will be available through February.
United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service statistics have shown that consumption of specialty citrus like clementines has climbed from 1.8l pounds per capita to 2.6 pounds per capita over the past 20 years.
In addition to Spanish clementines, Seald Sweet packs domestic and imported citrus including navels, grapefruit, minneolas and more in the Disney Garden brand.