
The scientific consensus that neonicotinoid insecticides cause harm to bees and other crucial pollinators is strong, according to a new analysis of all the available scientific evidence.

Scientists revealed that one “gold standard” field study from Sweden had shown that the insecticides significantly damaged bumblebee populations, the Guardian has reported.

The European Food Safety Agency is now examining the evidence for a continuation of the EU ban, introduced in 2013,on three neonicotinoids. Meanwhile, a large-scale field trial in the UK, Germany and Hungary has been completed, with the results due in the coming months.

The UK government opposed the EU ban on neonicotinoids, temporarily lifting it on some parts of the country, despite outrage from environmental campaigners.

Elsewhere, three European beekeeper associations have brought legal action against the European Commission for allowing Sulfoxaflor, a pesticide deemed potentially harmful to bees and banned in the US, to be used on European crops.