Saveol strawberries

Having earned the Saveur de l'Année 2013 mark of quality for its Gariguette de Plougastel strawberries – a feat it has accomplished for four years in succession – Brittany-based co-operative Savéol this year intends to promote the fact in order to win over increasingly discerning consumers.

According to the group's Catherine Legal, the logo of the award will be prominent on the strawberry's packaging this season, while further marketing drives are also in the pipeline.

'We will be giving our products a boost with a poster campaign in the Paris Metro,' she says, 'as well as in major cities in western France. Point of sale advertising will also be used to make the product stand out during periods of high consumption.'

Savéol's surface area for strawberry production has increased by approximately 3 per cent this year, according to Legal. The Gariguette variety accounts for the vast majority of the company's production (around 98 per cent), while the variety Cirafine makes up the remainder.