The Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry has announced changes to the rules governing production of PGI-certified peaches and nectarines in the region of Romagna, with the amendments approved by the EU authorities.
The changes affect the range of varieties permitted to be marketed using the Romagna PGI label, with new varieties expected to improve further the level of quality on offer under the scheme.
'The new varieties introduced into the specification represent an evolution in the original parent cultivars and are all varieties which can meet the needs of consumers throughout Europe when it comes to taste and organoleptic qualities,' said a spokesperson for the PGI body.
In addition, the minimum permitted sugar level for PGI Romagna peaches and nectarines has been raised to 11° brix, while alterations have also been made in order to lift the bar in terms of sizing stipulations.
Around 700 companies in the Romagna region are currently involved in producing peaches and nectarines for sale under the PGI label.
A total of 1,927ha of land is planted with the requisite varieties.
Stonefruit varieties approved for sale under the PGI Romagna brand are as follows:
Yellow-fleshed peaches: Maycrest, Spring Lady, Sprinbelle, Springcrest, Suncrest, Royal Glory, Royal Gem, Dixired, Flavorcrest, Glohaven, Merril Gem Free 1, Redhaven, Royal Majestic, Royal Time, Rich Lady, Maria Marta, Summer Rich, Grenat, Elegant Lady, Fayette, Royal Summer, Royal Lee, Royal Pride, Romestar, Symphonie, Mercil (O.Henry) and Zainori (Kaweat).
White-fleshed peaches: Iris Rosso, Maria Bianca, Tendresse (Joulie), Duchessa d'Este, Rossa di San Carlo and Zaidaso (Kewina).
Yellow-fleshed nectarines: Early Sungrand, Maygrand, Laura, Ambra, Maillara (Big Ben), Nectaprima, Noracila, Flavortop, Indipendence, Maria Emilia, Maria Laura, Spring Red, Weimberger, Big Top (Zaitabo), Guerriera, Alitop, Honey Blaze, Romagna Big, Fantasia, Maria Aurelia, Nectaross, Stark Red Gold, Venus, Sweet Red, Sweet Lady, Morsiani 90, Honey Royal, Honety Glo' and Romagna Gold.
White-fleshed nectarines: Silver King, Caldesi 2000, Nectarmagie, Silver Giant, Maillarmagic, Necta Perle, Romagna 3000 an Romagna Red.