Hillenrad 100 winners 2012

Left to right: Martien Penning (Hillenraad 100), Marco van Leeuwen (Rijk Zwaan), Willem Vermeend (chairman of the jury) and Peter van de Pol (Schoneveld Breeding - no.100 on the list)

Dutch vegetable breeder Rijk Zwaan has reclaimed the number one position in the Hillenrad 100, the annual overview of the 100 most significant companies in Dutch Greenhouse horticulture.

Rijk Zwaan has previously topped the rankings, which were announced on Friday 26 October during the Hortigala van het Jaar event in Leiden, in both 2009 and 2010, before slipping to second place in 2011.

The Hillenrad expert committee called Rijk Zwaan a 'shining example of entrepreneurealism both within and outside the sector' that had exhibited strong growth, profitability, solvency and held an enviable global market position.

'Needless to say, we are thrilled to have achieved the number one position again,' said director Marco van Leeuwen, who represented Rijk Zwaan at the ‘Hortigala van het Jaar’ event. 'Our focus on placing our employees and partners at the heart of our approach is clearly paying off and we are delighted to see that this is not going unnoticed. This ranking is a fantastic outcome and we’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our staff and our partners for helping to make it possible.'

Nunhems, meanwhile, was one of the fastest risers in the Hillenrad 100 rankings, rising from 75th on the list in 2011 to 60th this year.