At this week’s GreenTech, the Dutch breeder and seed company is set to host a panel on ‘Growing for Consumer Needs’, with insights from its partners in China and Egypt

Dutch vegetable breeder and seed company Rijk Zwaan will be discussing the need to focus on the demands of consumers at a panel discussion at this week’s GreenTech exhibition in Amsterdam, alongside two of its partners, FoodVentures and AlGhanim Agriculture Group.

The panel, entitled ‘Growing for Consumer Needs’, is set to focus on how cooperation in the supply chain can help meet the needs of both retailers and consumers with the right product fit. 

Foto: Rijk Zwaan

“By sharing two case studies illustrating such an approach, Rijk Zwaan will demonstrate how it can help you to connect with supply chain partners to jointly meet the needs of your local market,” the company stated. 

FoodVentures operates a 17.5 ha state-of-the-art greenhouse on Chongming Island in Shanghai. The company’s Mikel Honders will provide insights into how the company manages the entire value chain, from seed to supermarket, and how it introduced its products into retail channels in China. 

Meanwhile, AlGhanim Agriculture Group recently launched the first large-scale fully automated and climate-controlled hydroponic greenhouse in Egypt. Amr Bassiouny will talk about the company’s partnership with Rijk Zwaan and retail partners to ensure a year-round supply of fresh leafy greens.

Alibaba Group from China is also due to participate via a video message to offer a retailer’s perspective on the topic.

Rijk Zwaan will also be holding multiple presentations during GreenTech on topics including plant health, vertical farming and the importance of an integrated approach towards sustainable horticulture.