Responsibly Fresh

Nearly two and a half years since the launch of the Responsibly Fresh sustainability label, the first sustainability report has this week been released, detailing the efforts being made by the auctions involved.

The report was reportedly presented by the VBT, the association of Belgian horticultural co-operatives, to members of the Flemish Provincial Executives responsible for agriculture.

Belgische Fruitveiling, BelOrta, Limburgse Tuinbouwveiling, REO Veiling and Veiling Hoostraten are the five initial auctions involved in the project, although Veiling Haspenhouw has also recently signed up.

For the 2012-2013 period, the initial auctions identified 114 action points, of which 65 per cent have apparently been successfully implemented, 7 per cent are currently in progress and 28 per cent have been evaluated but deemed unachievable in the short term.

Action points ranged from the incorporation of sustainable business in the organisation’s policy to the use of low-energy lighting and water-saving grading and cooling systems. Even included was good neighbourliness, through consultation with those living nearby.

All participants also completed the 2013-2014 cycle and have now committed to the 2014-2015 cycle, which will be covered in the next sustainability report due in two years' time.

In the report's foreword, VBT general secretary Philippe Appeltans commented: 'To keep the Responsibly Fresh sustainability project relevant and credible, and to keep driving it forwards, communication with internal and external stakeholders is very important. This report is the next step in our communication. On the one hand, it clearly shows where the project stands at this time, and it provides a means for looking at the future. It is a challenge to drive forward the communication on the collective sustainability label, Responsibly Fresh, and also to make consumers aware of the commitment to sustainable development motivating the Belgian auctions and their growers.'