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Marking its 10th anniversary of recognising outstanding retail produce managers, Ready Pac Foods is once again sponsoring the United Fresh Retail Produce Manager Awards Program.

Since its inception in 2005, Ready Pac has been the exclusive sponsor of the event, which recognises the best-in-class within the produce industry. Making it even more special this year, the United Fresh Produce Association has decided to honour an additional 10 winners, making it a total of 35 winners representing 32 different supermarket banners and independent retail stores in 20 states

The United Fresh Retail Produce Manager Awards Program recognises those on the front line in supermarkets working every day to increase sales and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and promoting fresh produce is what makes them a valuable contribution to the success of the industry.

It is no surprise why Ready Pac has been such a huge supporter of the programme, and has honoured more than 230 retail managers from over 80 different retail banners over the last 10 years.

“It is so rewarding to see such hard working men and women who take so much pride in helping our products look their best, while engaging and educating consumers,' said Tony Sarsam, CEO of Ready Pac Foods. 'We certainly understand the importance of their role, and felt as a company that we wanted to recognise their efforts. Ready Pac is very proud to have sponsored the United Fresh Retail Manager Awards Program for last ten years to honor such talented representatives for our industry.”