Cool Cuts Ready Pac

In the US, Ready Pac's Disney-themed Cool Cuts salads and mini-meals line was awarded a PMA Impact Award for packaging excellence at the recently-held Fresh Summit 2012 in Anaheim, one of six winners from 25 finalists.

The PMA Impact Award recognises trendsetters that create and deliver bold new concepts for produce and floral packaging, with judges awarded points for excellence in marketing, sustainability, consumer convenience, food safety and supply chain efficiency/functionality.

'Our Disney-themed Ready Pac Cool Cuts salads and mini-meals packaging appeals to kids' sense of fun and love of Disney characters, to mums because they can quickly see the healthy ingredients, and to produce retailers because the packaging draws young parents to the fresh-cut produce display,' said Tristan Simpson, director of marketing and corporate communications at Ready Pac.

'Being awarded a PMA Impact Award is an honour,' Simpson added. 'It put the icing on the cake of a great Fresh Summit show for Ready Pac.'