Ready Pac Organic Bowl Salad

Ready Pac Organic Bowl Salad

US-based fresh-cut produce innovator Ready Pac Foods has announced in a press release the introduction of a new line of organic single serve salads available for distribution across the US.

Ready Pac claims its Bistro Organic Bowl Salads combine the convenience of the company’s unique single-serve salad bowls, 100 per cent organic ingredients and recipes that deliver the “culinary adventure” sought by target consumers.

The line feature four varieties: Caesar Cranberry, Orange Ginger Tofu, Zesty Harvest Grains, and Honey Mustard Spinach.

“Single serve and organics are the two fresh-cut salad segments that are driving packaged salad category growth, with 17 and 11 per cent growth over last year, respectively,” said Tristan Simpson, director of marketing at Ready Pac.

“We’re aiming Ready Pac Bistro Organic Bowl Salads at the sweet spot where these two segments, as well as consumer demand for organics and convenient meal solutions, all come together.”

Ready Pac said all of the produce and condiments in its Bistro Organic Bowl Salads are certified organic by Quality Assurance International (QAI), the company said.