Proexport Fruicoles

Proexport's Fernando Gómez (centre) at Fruticoles' launch

Murcian fresh produce exporter association Proexport has launched a new internet initiative that is aimed at persuading more children in the Spanish region to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

With financial support from the European Union and the regional government of Murcia, the organisation has developed Fruticoles, a learning tool for schools that, it is hoped, will encourage greater consumption through online education.

Proexport said it would be developing the online service over the coming months in association with 200 schools in the region, specifically for children aged between six and eight.

In a statement, Proexport’s managing director, Fernando Gómez, said: “Consumption of fruits and vegetables in Spanish homes dropped by 3.3 per cent during 2010. This decrease is worrying because reducing vegetable consumption for children, can endanger their development and affect their health as adults.”

In a separate development, Valencia-based citrus regulatory body PGI Cítricos Valencianos will give away 8,000 cups of free freshly-squeezed orange juice in the centre of the city on 16 March as part of a festival highlighting the region’s products.