Proexport meeting

Juan Marín Bravo, third from the right, at the Proexport meeting

Juan Marín Bravo, president of Murcian grower-exporter association Proexport, has called for greater collaboration in the face of the severe water shortage threatening the region’s fruit and vegetable industry.

Speaking at the association’s general meeting last week, he warned that a lack of unity could lead to a war among producers each looking for someone to blame.

“Together we can attain what we so badly need and what we will never succeed in achieving if we are divided – a legal supply of high quality water at an affordable price for producers,” Marín said.

The Proexport president also spoke out in favour of the EU’s negotiations with the US on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, providing it led to a reduction in tariffs and closer harmonisation of phytosanitary regulations.

“We’ve had enough of EU trade agreements with North African counties that compete with Spain and use unfair trade practices to flood our markets,” Marín stated.

The meeting also served as the backdrop for Proexport’s annual prize-giving ceremony, with

awards going to German importer Juan García Lax and Fruit Attraction for their “ongoing support and commitment to Murcia’s fruit and vegetable sector”.