Prince de Bretagne primeurs

Brittany-based vegetable marketer Prince de Bretagne has announced that it will stage its second annual celebration of early vegetables in June.

Throughout the month, the company will reportedly be shining a spotlight on the region's early vegetables, including tomatoes, artichokes, early potatoes, salads, broccoli, Romanesco and strawberries.

Promotions are set to include 3,000 point of sale advertising kits, featuring a display case of the whole Prince de Bretagne range with information about a competition on the company's website.

According to the company, prizes for the competition will include a €4,000 summer holiday, three €239 gourmet trips to a chateau, five ferry trips for two to the UK, and 50 vegetable baskets worth €15.

Prince de Bretagne revealed that it had also sought to involve retailers by agreeing to reward the 50 best displays of the marketer's range, in terms of presentation, range, product freshness and use of the advertising kit.

The company is also holding the event in its main export market, Germany, where it sends some 90,000 tonnes a year.

According to Prince de Bretagne, 100 days of promotions and tastings will be held in retail chains in the country, with artichokes and tomatoes the main focus.